Little King hm.. In my opinon it's good player I often saw you in public srvs and your game it's better then (e.g) me. ; D
Welcome to RP
Ostatnio edytowany przez Zaleś (2011-08-24 12:57:44)
NextLost napisał:
Nie zrozumiałem tylko depends
Ciężko będzie się porozumiewać ale komuś kto zabardzo nie ogarnia angola
Ale dobry też sposób sprawdzenia się
I try to translate Nextlost's words:
`I don't understand only word 'depends'
Its' so hard comunicaty with you, but somebody who hm.. litttle speak english
But it's good way to check out `
My english it's so slooowly and I surely make many mistakes, but I think so I good translate this.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Zaleś (2011-08-24 13:16:10)
I think so we will have a better comunicate from day to day ;D
Ostatnio edytowany przez Zaleś (2011-08-24 14:11:46)
Andrzej Duda
I think he is a very decent player. I hope that somehow speaks of clan members despite their poor English ;>.
Panowie zrobimy korektę forum na dwu dwujęzyczną. Musze pogadać jeszcze z Y2J
(Gentlemen, we do an adjustment on two bilingual forum. I have to talk with Y2J yet)
Hmm we should play more 4fun sparings with U, because U play so good, it's first matter. In second matter I think what U teach me and members this clan more english language, because it's to be useful in communication in our ; )
Andrzej Duda
Im not. Po prostu juz przesadzasz ...
In my opinion many people will have learnt english from somebody. Hmm sure, some people are very impatient in this, but i think so in our clan you feel like at your home stupid comparison, but..
Lower napisał:
Im not. Po prostu juz przesadzasz ...
I'm joked, don't worry man, be calm ; )
Ostatnio edytowany przez Zaleś (2011-08-24 15:46:40)
Andrzej Duda
Dokładnie tak samo uważam Zalesu